Christmas is an annual Christian religious holiday commemorating the birth of Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him. For many Muslims who even do not celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, it becomes an issue of what stand they should take.
There have been a number of legitimate criticisms of the holiday from Muslims and non-Muslims based on theological and cultural considerations. However, this cannot be used to disregard the holiday as merely an exercise in ancient pagan practices, for instance, or excessive consumerism. Muslims have to remember that for practicing Christians, Christmas really is about Jesus.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was so accommodating of Christians that according to the two earliest Islamic historians, Ibn Saad and Ibn Hisham, the Prophet even allowed a delegation of 60 Byzantine Christians from Najran in Yemen to worship in his own mosque in Madinah.
Lead by their bishop (Usquf), they had come to discuss a number of issues with him. When time of their prayer came, they asked the Prophet's permission to perform this in the mosque. He answered, "conduct your service here in the mosque. It is a place consecrated to God."
God expects us to stay away from mocking the religious beliefs of others, no matter how much we disagree with them. He says in the Quran: "And insult not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides God, lest they insult God wrongfully without knowledge. Thus We have made fair-seeming to each people its own doings; then to their Lord is their return and He shall then inform them of all that they used to do" (Quran, 6:108).
We also have to remember that even if for many nominal Christians, the celebration is not really about participating in religious traditions, Christmas is a time for families to get together. In a number of cases it is the only time of year families get together, either because family members are scattered in different parts of the country or the world, because of communication and relationship problems, or because in America today, the family unit is becoming weaker and weaker.
Christmas is a great time to relate to our neighbors. We should not forget though, that "relating" does not mean "preaching". Da'wah cannot be made in a rude manner. Allah says in the Quran: "Invite (all) to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful advice, and reason with them by ways that are the best and most gracious: because your Lord knows best, (those) who have strayed from His Path, and those who receive guidance " (Quran, 16:125).
In particular, when dealing with Jews and Christians, Allah says: "Do not argue with the People of the Book unless it is in the politest manner, except for those of them who do wrong. Say: 'We believe in what has been sent down to us and what has been sent down to you. Our God and your God is [the same] One, and we are Muslims before Him'" (Quran, 29:46).
This may not be an occasion to emphasis the differences as much as the commonality of our beliefs, unless someone is really asking you about them.
A starting point for a discussion about Christmas could be the Islamic belief in all Books revealed by Allah and all Prophets sent by Him. In this discussion, special emphasis could be made on Prophet Jesus. Non-Muslims are often surprised to discover that Muslims also believe in this noble Prophet and his great mother Mary (peace be upon her).
Remember that respect does not mean compromise. This article is not asking you to compromise anything. You have freedom of religion given by God to believe in what you believe in. But in a world where conflict is increasing, a Muslim should be a bridge- builder and a peacemaker. It was due to the Muslim practice of Islamic ideals of respect and tolerance that the key of the holiest Christian Shrine in Jerusalem, the church of the Holy Sepulcher, remains entrusted with a Muslim family, as it has been for over 1400 years.
These are the lessons which need to be learned by those extremists who attack Christians during their worship in Nigeria and those extremists who burn Masjids in the USA.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Mufti Perlis vs Mufti Perak.
Itu Perlis punya fasal !!. Ini adalah kenyataan yang biasa keluar dari mulut Mufti Perak. Kenyataan biasa yang terpacul dari mulut yang sama ialah " Tugas saya dah selesai yang lainnya adalah tanggungjawab pemerintah".
Kenyataan Mufti Perlis berbau sedikit akademik tetapi kenyataan Mufti Perak lebih berbau kuasa dan politik.Mufti Perlis menyatakan bahawa "walakah" tak sama dengan "walayah". Saya lebih bersetuju dengan Mufti Perlis demi keadilan. Pernafsiran oleh Wakalah tentang ayat Al-Quran di dalam mahkamah bukanlah muktamad tambahan lagi semua kasus mesti merujuk pada fakta. Keputusan muktamad ialah Hakim. Orang Islam juga adakala tidak memahami Al-Quran dengan baik. Tidak semua Peguam Syarei dikalangan orang Islam yang betul-betul memahami Al-Quran. Yang amat perlu ialah yang menjadi Hakim. Maka syarat menjadi Hakim mestilah berkelususan Agama dan juga Undang-undang Sivil dan juga Syariah, di sampin mempunyai kejujuran dan ahlak yang baik.
Kenyataan Mufti Perlis berbau sedikit akademik tetapi kenyataan Mufti Perak lebih berbau kuasa dan politik.Mufti Perlis menyatakan bahawa "walakah" tak sama dengan "walayah". Saya lebih bersetuju dengan Mufti Perlis demi keadilan. Pernafsiran oleh Wakalah tentang ayat Al-Quran di dalam mahkamah bukanlah muktamad tambahan lagi semua kasus mesti merujuk pada fakta. Keputusan muktamad ialah Hakim. Orang Islam juga adakala tidak memahami Al-Quran dengan baik. Tidak semua Peguam Syarei dikalangan orang Islam yang betul-betul memahami Al-Quran. Yang amat perlu ialah yang menjadi Hakim. Maka syarat menjadi Hakim mestilah berkelususan Agama dan juga Undang-undang Sivil dan juga Syariah, di sampin mempunyai kejujuran dan ahlak yang baik.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
WikiLeaks stripped Saudi rulers naked
Saudi rulers stand exposed and stripped naked by Wikileaks disclosure that King Abdullah asked the United States of America to launch military strikes on Muslim Iran. Almost a week later a Cairo datelined AP report disclosed that Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal (right) proposed during his talks with U.S.A. diplomat David Satterfield in May 2008 to deploy an Arab military force backed by U.S.A. and NATO airpower to crush Hezbollah and prevent the militant group - and its patron Iran- from taking power in Beirut.
This is an absolute disgrace. Never in the history of Muslims that a ruler, and that too the one claiming to be the Custodian of Two Holy Mosques, Masjid Haram in Makka and Madinah Munawwara, turned to the sworn enemies of Islam and Muslims, the United States of America ruled by Jews and the NATO, to launch military strikes on another Muslim country-Iran.
TARGET ... Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant
This may shock ordinary people, however not the knowledgeable people, especially Muslims worldwide. The role of the autocratic and oppressive Saudi regime, installed in power in its present form by the British and the Jews in the aftermath of World War 1, as an integral part of the Jewish sponsored USA-European war against Islam and Muslims, remains an open secret.
According to Wikileaks documents King Abdullah has repeatedly asked the USA to attack Iran. Saudi venom has been such that Saudi Ambassador to Washington Adel al Juberi said that King Abdullah told during his meeting with USA General David Petraeus in April 2008 to cut off the head of the snake-Iran.
The Wikileaks disclosures exposed the treachery and the lowest depth to which the Saudi ruling elements have descended to in collaborating with the enemies of Islam and Muslims. Now the often raised question by Muslims worldwide is whether they are suitable to be the rulers of the land of Islam let alone being the custodian of the Holy Mosques.
Who are these Saudi rulers?
Al Saud was the tribal chief in and around Riyadh early last century. They are an illiterate lot and far away from modern education and civilizations. Economic hardships were the order of the day. Though they called themselves Muslims their day to day life was governed by medieval style tribal customs and traditions. Islam, in its proper perspective disappeared from the region under the European colonial rule which could be described as the Dark Age in the Middle East .On the whole Saudi Arabia and the surrounding Gulf States lived in extreme hardship and no one took any notice of these desert Bedouins until the oil wealth in the early 1970s.
In 1897, the Zionists decided to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. Ten years later in 1907 Britain decided at the London Colonial Conference to establish a hostile power which would keep the Middle East in turmoil. This brought Britain and the Zionists together and the two jointly manipulated and brought down Turkey’s Islamic Ottoman Empire during World War 1.
Abdul Aziz Ibn Al Saud (left) and other tribal leaders, heavily bribed, supported and facilitated the British and the Zionists to topple Turkey’s Ottoman and wipe out Islam from there. As part of this conspiracy the British concluded a Treaty of Friendship in 1916, with Abdul Aziz Ibn Al Saud, who by then had established his control over Nejd with the capture of Riyadh.
The Ottoman Empire collapsed during World War 1. In their drive to wipe out Islam the British and the Zionists were quick to abolish Turkey’s caliphate and introduce a secular government headed by a Romanian Jew called Mustafa Kamal who pretended as a Muslim and won the confidence of the Turkish Sultan.
Up to the collapse Ottomans Makka, Madina and Jeddah were under their rule. Ottomans appointed Sharif Hussein, great-great-grandfather of the present American-British Jordanian stooge Abdullah, as the Sharif of Makkah. However during the war Ottoman lost control over Makkah and Jeddah before finally losing Madina in 1919.
Sharif Hussein (left) was keen to maintain the Caliphate system and revive Islamic rule. He tried to govern the Holy cities of Makkah and Madina with a committee represented by Muslims all over the world. With this in mind Sharif Hussein declared himself the Caliph of Makkah on 7 March 1924, four days after the abolition of the caliphate on 3 March 1924.
This provoked the British and the Zionists who were all out to abolish the caliphate and crush any move to unite Muslims which may lead to revival of Islam worldwide. Responding quickly the British and the Zionists provided arms and money to Abdel Aziz Ibn Al Saud to attack Sharif Hussein. Abdel Aziz didn’t miss the chance.
Backed by Britain and the Zionists, he attacked Sharif Hussein, defeated him, prevented the establishment of caliphate and established the Wahhabi rule which was not favourable to the system of caliphate. Thus the caliphate system, which has been the rallying point for Muslims all over the world, was wiped out and the British and Zionists’ control over the region was further strengthened with Abdel Aziz at the helm. Wahhabism was allowed to flourish.
The irony was that Sharif Hussein found refuge under the British who later made his two sons, one a king of Jordan and the other the ruler of Iraq. This is the sad and sickening plight of the Muslim Middle East ruled, almost a century later today, by USA, British, French and Zionists’ appointed stooges, and shamelessly implementing Judeo-Christian conspiracies against Islam and Muslims.
Thus Britain and the Zionists were solely responsible for creating the present Saudi Arabia and installing Al Saud family as the rulers there. As a result the Al Saud family owes a great deal to British and the Zionists. And the Muslim world is paying the price. This is the shameful plight of the Muslim world.
In the early 1980s extremely pro American King Fahd (right), better known for his worldly pleasures than his religious scholarship, appointed himself as the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques- in Makkah and Madina. No one even in Saudi Arabia, let alone the Muslim world, was consulted.
On the other hand which Muslim country could oppose the Al Saud family in view of their iron grip over the two Holy Mosques in Makkah and Madina known for their unprecedented sanctity, immense oil wealth and the blind support of the United States of America and Europe.
The scattered and powerless Muslim world simply accepted this reality without any resistance. Perhaps this may be the reason why years ago Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said that the ”Holy cities of Makkah and Madina should be liberated from Al Saud family in view of their close collaboration with the Judeo-Christian crusaders against Islam and Muslims and managed by the entire Muslims worldwide."
While Saudi-British relations continued to flourish in the subsequent years, the Al Saudi family’s relations with the United States of America began as early as 1930 when Ibn Saudi selected a USA oil company to explore oil in his country. With that began the USA ‘s serious interest too. Those were the days when Saudi Arabia was very poor and undeveloped, and a top executive of the USA oil company, Jimmy Moffett, a friend of both USA President Roosevelt and Ibn Saud, asked President Roosevelt in 1943 to give economic assistance to the Saudi king.
Saudi’s Islamic credibility has been under a cloud for sometimes in view of their shameful role in the USA led European invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, and their blind support of Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians, and several other anti-Muslim issues. The Saudis managed to overcome the hostility from worldwide Muslims with their disgraceful dependency on the USA and their money power.
However this balance was shattered with the Wiki Leaks disclosures.
This is an absolute disgrace. Never in the history of Muslims that a ruler, and that too the one claiming to be the Custodian of Two Holy Mosques, Masjid Haram in Makka and Madinah Munawwara, turned to the sworn enemies of Islam and Muslims, the United States of America ruled by Jews and the NATO, to launch military strikes on another Muslim country-Iran.
TARGET ... Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant
This may shock ordinary people, however not the knowledgeable people, especially Muslims worldwide. The role of the autocratic and oppressive Saudi regime, installed in power in its present form by the British and the Jews in the aftermath of World War 1, as an integral part of the Jewish sponsored USA-European war against Islam and Muslims, remains an open secret.
According to Wikileaks documents King Abdullah has repeatedly asked the USA to attack Iran. Saudi venom has been such that Saudi Ambassador to Washington Adel al Juberi said that King Abdullah told during his meeting with USA General David Petraeus in April 2008 to cut off the head of the snake-Iran.
The Wikileaks disclosures exposed the treachery and the lowest depth to which the Saudi ruling elements have descended to in collaborating with the enemies of Islam and Muslims. Now the often raised question by Muslims worldwide is whether they are suitable to be the rulers of the land of Islam let alone being the custodian of the Holy Mosques.
Who are these Saudi rulers?
Al Saud was the tribal chief in and around Riyadh early last century. They are an illiterate lot and far away from modern education and civilizations. Economic hardships were the order of the day. Though they called themselves Muslims their day to day life was governed by medieval style tribal customs and traditions. Islam, in its proper perspective disappeared from the region under the European colonial rule which could be described as the Dark Age in the Middle East .On the whole Saudi Arabia and the surrounding Gulf States lived in extreme hardship and no one took any notice of these desert Bedouins until the oil wealth in the early 1970s.
In 1897, the Zionists decided to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. Ten years later in 1907 Britain decided at the London Colonial Conference to establish a hostile power which would keep the Middle East in turmoil. This brought Britain and the Zionists together and the two jointly manipulated and brought down Turkey’s Islamic Ottoman Empire during World War 1.
Abdul Aziz Ibn Al Saud (left) and other tribal leaders, heavily bribed, supported and facilitated the British and the Zionists to topple Turkey’s Ottoman and wipe out Islam from there. As part of this conspiracy the British concluded a Treaty of Friendship in 1916, with Abdul Aziz Ibn Al Saud, who by then had established his control over Nejd with the capture of Riyadh.
The Ottoman Empire collapsed during World War 1. In their drive to wipe out Islam the British and the Zionists were quick to abolish Turkey’s caliphate and introduce a secular government headed by a Romanian Jew called Mustafa Kamal who pretended as a Muslim and won the confidence of the Turkish Sultan.
Up to the collapse Ottomans Makka, Madina and Jeddah were under their rule. Ottomans appointed Sharif Hussein, great-great-grandfather of the present American-British Jordanian stooge Abdullah, as the Sharif of Makkah. However during the war Ottoman lost control over Makkah and Jeddah before finally losing Madina in 1919.
Sharif Hussein (left) was keen to maintain the Caliphate system and revive Islamic rule. He tried to govern the Holy cities of Makkah and Madina with a committee represented by Muslims all over the world. With this in mind Sharif Hussein declared himself the Caliph of Makkah on 7 March 1924, four days after the abolition of the caliphate on 3 March 1924.
This provoked the British and the Zionists who were all out to abolish the caliphate and crush any move to unite Muslims which may lead to revival of Islam worldwide. Responding quickly the British and the Zionists provided arms and money to Abdel Aziz Ibn Al Saud to attack Sharif Hussein. Abdel Aziz didn’t miss the chance.
Backed by Britain and the Zionists, he attacked Sharif Hussein, defeated him, prevented the establishment of caliphate and established the Wahhabi rule which was not favourable to the system of caliphate. Thus the caliphate system, which has been the rallying point for Muslims all over the world, was wiped out and the British and Zionists’ control over the region was further strengthened with Abdel Aziz at the helm. Wahhabism was allowed to flourish.
The irony was that Sharif Hussein found refuge under the British who later made his two sons, one a king of Jordan and the other the ruler of Iraq. This is the sad and sickening plight of the Muslim Middle East ruled, almost a century later today, by USA, British, French and Zionists’ appointed stooges, and shamelessly implementing Judeo-Christian conspiracies against Islam and Muslims.
Thus Britain and the Zionists were solely responsible for creating the present Saudi Arabia and installing Al Saud family as the rulers there. As a result the Al Saud family owes a great deal to British and the Zionists. And the Muslim world is paying the price. This is the shameful plight of the Muslim world.
In the early 1980s extremely pro American King Fahd (right), better known for his worldly pleasures than his religious scholarship, appointed himself as the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques- in Makkah and Madina. No one even in Saudi Arabia, let alone the Muslim world, was consulted.
On the other hand which Muslim country could oppose the Al Saud family in view of their iron grip over the two Holy Mosques in Makkah and Madina known for their unprecedented sanctity, immense oil wealth and the blind support of the United States of America and Europe.
The scattered and powerless Muslim world simply accepted this reality without any resistance. Perhaps this may be the reason why years ago Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said that the ”Holy cities of Makkah and Madina should be liberated from Al Saud family in view of their close collaboration with the Judeo-Christian crusaders against Islam and Muslims and managed by the entire Muslims worldwide."
While Saudi-British relations continued to flourish in the subsequent years, the Al Saudi family’s relations with the United States of America began as early as 1930 when Ibn Saudi selected a USA oil company to explore oil in his country. With that began the USA ‘s serious interest too. Those were the days when Saudi Arabia was very poor and undeveloped, and a top executive of the USA oil company, Jimmy Moffett, a friend of both USA President Roosevelt and Ibn Saud, asked President Roosevelt in 1943 to give economic assistance to the Saudi king.
Saudi’s Islamic credibility has been under a cloud for sometimes in view of their shameful role in the USA led European invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, and their blind support of Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians, and several other anti-Muslim issues. The Saudis managed to overcome the hostility from worldwide Muslims with their disgraceful dependency on the USA and their money power.
However this balance was shattered with the Wiki Leaks disclosures.
Monday, December 20, 2010
The seven layers of the earth which scientists have recently discovered was eluded to by Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago.
A simple image of Earth and the interior layers. Windows to the Universe, at ( at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; ©2000-05 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad is the second revealed source of Islam. Like the Quran, it contains scientific information unavailable 1400 years ago. From these miracles is the “seven” earths, mentioned by the Prophet in several of his sayings. From them are the following two:
Hadith 1
It was narrated on the authority of Abu Salamah that a dispute arose between him and some other people (about a piece of land). When he told Aisha (the Prophet’s wife) about it, she said, ‘O Abu Salamah! Avoid taking the land unjustly, for the Prophet said:
“Whoever usurps even one span of land of somebody, its depth through the seven earths will be collared to his neck.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, ‘Book of Oppression.’)
Hadith 2
Salim narrated on the authority of his father that the Prophet said:
“Whoever takes a piece of land of others unjustly, he will sink down the seven earths on the Day of Resurrection.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, ‘Book of Oppression.’)
The aforementioned hadith prohibits oppression in general, especially the taking of a piece of land belonging to others unjustly. What might the seven earths refer to?
Studies in geology have proven that the earth is composed of seven zones, identified from the inner to the outer layers as follows:
(1) The Solid Inner Core of Earth: 1.7% of the Earth’s mass; depth of 5,150 - 6,370 kilometers (3,219 - 3,981 miles)
The inner core is solid and unattached to the mantle, suspended in the molten outer core. It is believed to have solidified as a result of pressure-freezing which occurs to most liquids when temperature decreases or pressure increases.
(2) The Liquid Outer core: 30.8% of Earth’s mass; depth of 2,890 - 5,150 kilometers (1,806 - 3,219 miles)
The outer core is a hot, electrically conducting liquid within which convective motion occurs. This conductive layer combines with Earth’s rotation to create a dynamo effect that maintains a system of electrical currents known as the Earth’s magnetic field. It is also responsible for the subtle jerking of Earth’s rotation. This layer is not as dense as pure molten iron, which indicates the presence of lighter elements. Scientists suspect that about 10% of the layer is composed of sulfur and/or oxygen because these elements are abundant in the cosmos and dissolve readily in molten iron.
(3) The “D” Layer: 3% of Earth’s mass; depth of 2,700 - 2,890 kilometers (1,688 - 1,806 miles)
This layer is 200 to 300 kilometers (125 to 188 miles) thick and represents about 4% of the mantle-crust mass. Although it is often identified as part of the lower mantle, seismic discontinuities suggest the “D” layer might differ chemically from the lower mantle lying above it. Scientists theorize that the material either dissolved in the core, or was able to sink through the mantle but not into the core because of its density.
(4) Lower Mantle: 49.2% of Earth’s mass; depth of 650 - 2,890 kilometers (406 -1,806 miles)
The lower mantle contains 72.9% of the mantle-crust mass and is probably composed mainly of silicon, magnesium, and oxygen. It probably also contains some iron, calcium, and aluminum. Scientists make these deductions by assuming the Earth has a similar abundance and proportion of cosmic elements as found in the Sun and primitive meteorites.
(5) Middle Mantle (Transition region): 7.5% of Earth’s mass; depth of 400 - 650 kilometers (250-406 miles)
The transition region or mesosphere (for middle mantle), sometimes called the fertile layer, contains 11.1% of the mantle-crust mass and is the source of basaltic magmas. It also contains calcium, aluminum, and garnet, which is a complex aluminum-bearing silicate mineral. This layer is dense when cold because of the garnet. It is buoyant when hot because these minerals melt easily to form basalt which can then rise through the upper layers as magma.
(6) Upper Mantle: 10.3% of Earth’s mass; depth of 10 - 400 kilometers (6 - 250 miles)
The upper mantle contains 15.3% of the mantle-crust mass. Fragments have been excavated for our observation by eroded mountain belts and volcanic eruptions. Olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 and pyroxene (Mg,Fe)SiO3 have been the primary minerals found in this way. These and other minerals are refractory and crystalline at high temperatures; therefore, most settle out of rising magma, either forming new material or never leaving the mantle. Part of the upper mantle called the asthenosphere might be partially molten.
(7) Lithosphere
Oceanic crust: 0.099% of Earth’s mass; depth of 0-10 kilometers (0 - 6 miles)
The rigid, outermost layer of the Earth comprising the crust and upper mantle is called the lithosphere. The oceanic crust contains 0.147% of the mantle-crust mass. The majority of the Earth’s crust was made through volcanic activity. The oceanic ridge system, a 40,000-kilometer (25,000 mile) network of volcanoes, generates new oceanic crust at the rate of 17 km3 per year, covering the ocean floor with basalt. Hawaii and Iceland are two examples of the accumulation of basalt piles.
This image shows a cross section through the earth’s crust and upper mantle showing lithosphere plates (made of the crust layer and the top part of the mantle) moving over the asthenosphere (upper mantle). Windows to the Universe, at ( at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; ©2000-05 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Continental crust: 0.374% of Earth’s mass; depth of 0-50 kilometers (0 - 31 miles)
The continental crust contains 0.554% of the mantle-crust mass. This is the outer part of the Earth composed essentially of crystalline rocks. These are low-density buoyant minerals dominated mostly by quartz (SiO2) and feldspars (metal-poor silicates). The crust (both oceanic and continental) is the surface of the Earth; as such, it is the coldest part of our planet. Because cold rocks deform slowly, we refer to this rigid outer shell as the lithosphere (the rocky or strong layer).
This image shows the divisions of the Earth’s interior into 7 layers. (Adapted from Beatty, 1990).
The layers of the earth coincide with the above mentioned hadith of the Prophet. The miracle is in two matters:
(1) The expression of the hadith, ‘He will sink down the seven earths on the Day of Resurrection,’ indicates the stratification of these “earths” around one center.
(2) The accuracy with which the Prophet of Islam referred to the seven inner layers of earth.
The only way for a desert dweller to have known these facts 1400 years ago is through revelation from God.
Beatty, J. K. and A. Chaikin, eds. The New Solar System. Massachusetts: Sky Publishing, 3rd Edition, 1990.
Press, Frank and Raymond Siever. Earth. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1986.
Seeds, Michael A. Horizons. Belmont, California: Wadsworth, 1995.
El-Najjar, Zaghloul. Treasures In The Sunnah: A Scientific Approach: Cairo, Al-Falah Foundation, 2004.
Non-Muslim Syarie lawyers: Perlis mufti says 'aye'
Perlis mufti Juanda Jaya said that not all members of the National Fatwa Council agreed with its stated position that non-Muslims not be allowed to practise in Syariah Courts.
DAP leaders 'touched' by coverage
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 20: Staying true to the adage that 'bad publicity is also publicity', DAP leaders said they were “touched” by the attention given by right wing Malay tabloid Utusan Malaysia, which dedicated six pages including its front page to attack the party.
“Utusan paid a special tribute to DAP today with 6 pages of coverage, including the front page. We must be doing something right!” said the party's Petaling Jaya Utara member of parliament Tony Pua, in a posting on Twitter.
“An UMNO leader had advised Prime Minister (Najib Razak) to ask Utusan to tone down its racial agenda half a year ago as it was counterproductive to Prime Minister's 1Malaysia campaign.
"Either PM is sleeping or he condones Utusan's racist views. Today's attacks on Guan Eng and DAP is nonsensical,” said Bukit Bendera MP, Liew Chin Tong.
The brunt of Utusan's attacks was however borne by Penang chief minister and DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng, who was accused of being a racist and anti-Malay.
Statements from several UMNO leaders also branded DAP a tool of the Singaporean regime, and some even called for a ban on the party. The paper had earlier accused DAP of being behind the WikiLeaks story which quoted Singapore's minister mentor Lee Kuan Yew of saying that Opposition Leader had willingly walked into a sodomy trap.
'Walk the talk'
Meanwhile, DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang took prime minister Najib Razak to task over his statement calling on the media to promote pragmatism and moderation.
“The movement of the moderates can marginalise the extremists, and that the media has a significant role to play in this quest,” said Najib, Najib, opening an international convention by World Chinese Language Press Institute in Penang.
“Well said, but Najib is not walking the talk.Najib should ask how he could expect his promotion of moderation 'to take back the centre' to have any traction or credibility when the UMNO organ Utusan Malaysia is allowed to preach extremism of the worst kind with lies and falsehoods everyday?” said the DAP leader.
“Utusan paid a special tribute to DAP today with 6 pages of coverage, including the front page. We must be doing something right!” said the party's Petaling Jaya Utara member of parliament Tony Pua, in a posting on Twitter.
“An UMNO leader had advised Prime Minister (Najib Razak) to ask Utusan to tone down its racial agenda half a year ago as it was counterproductive to Prime Minister's 1Malaysia campaign.
"Either PM is sleeping or he condones Utusan's racist views. Today's attacks on Guan Eng and DAP is nonsensical,” said Bukit Bendera MP, Liew Chin Tong.
The brunt of Utusan's attacks was however borne by Penang chief minister and DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng, who was accused of being a racist and anti-Malay.
Statements from several UMNO leaders also branded DAP a tool of the Singaporean regime, and some even called for a ban on the party. The paper had earlier accused DAP of being behind the WikiLeaks story which quoted Singapore's minister mentor Lee Kuan Yew of saying that Opposition Leader had willingly walked into a sodomy trap.
'Walk the talk'
Meanwhile, DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang took prime minister Najib Razak to task over his statement calling on the media to promote pragmatism and moderation.
“The movement of the moderates can marginalise the extremists, and that the media has a significant role to play in this quest,” said Najib, Najib, opening an international convention by World Chinese Language Press Institute in Penang.
“Well said, but Najib is not walking the talk.Najib should ask how he could expect his promotion of moderation 'to take back the centre' to have any traction or credibility when the UMNO organ Utusan Malaysia is allowed to preach extremism of the worst kind with lies and falsehoods everyday?” said the DAP leader.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Rationality please, PAS tells govt over Shi'a clampdown
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 20: PAS vice president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has joined other independent religious leaders in calling for the government to be more wise when dealing with differences of opinions in Islamic thought.
Responding to the recent arrest of two Shi'a Muslim teachers for spreading "deviant teachings" after a raid on a centre in Gombak, PAS vice president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man warned that the way the authorities were handling the issue would cause a bigger crisis.
“While I personally do not agree with the Shi’a school of thought, that does not mean we can act aggressively, when at the same time, deviant teachings such as Qadiyani, Bahai and Ayah Pin are allowed to exist,” said Tuan Ibrahim.
Last week, two teachers, including an Iranian, and 200 participants of a religious talk at a centre for Shi'a Muslims, were arrested and charged at the Syariah court after a raid by the Selangor Islamic Religious Deparment (JAIS).
Shi'a Muslims subscribe to the Shi'ite school of thought in Islam, which sprung out of political differences during the early history of Islam. Followers of the school are mostly found in Iraq, Iran, Bahrain and certain parts of the Arab world.
While majority of Sunni and Shi'a Muslim scholars recognise each other, there are extremists who resort to violence and brand the other as 'infidels', prompting mainstream leaders from both divides to urge for unity and work on their fundamental similarities.
Tuan Ibrahim added that the authorities should have opted to hold discussion and dialogues instead of resorting to arresting those who hold different opinions.
He reminded that Islam teaches Muslims to resort to the intellect when faced with differences of opinions.
“Because those who are involved are from among university lecturers, students and foreigners, the arrest will not stop the movement from operating.
"Islam teaches us to use the approach of dialogue and argument when facing what we describe as the difference of opinion and school of thoughts,” he said, adding there would always be differences in opinions in Islam.
The arrest also invited a sharp rebuke from former Perlis Mufti, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, who warned the country was sliding to “an era of Talibanisation”.
Asri said the country should not try to “become a country a la Taliban that only allows one school of thought” and deny the right of the people to practice their beliefs.
“[Violence] usually explodes in countries where the right to speak is constantly denied. Perhaps the government has its own agenda in this matter?” he asked.
Responding to the recent arrest of two Shi'a Muslim teachers for spreading "deviant teachings" after a raid on a centre in Gombak, PAS vice president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man warned that the way the authorities were handling the issue would cause a bigger crisis.
“While I personally do not agree with the Shi’a school of thought, that does not mean we can act aggressively, when at the same time, deviant teachings such as Qadiyani, Bahai and Ayah Pin are allowed to exist,” said Tuan Ibrahim.
Last week, two teachers, including an Iranian, and 200 participants of a religious talk at a centre for Shi'a Muslims, were arrested and charged at the Syariah court after a raid by the Selangor Islamic Religious Deparment (JAIS).
Shi'a Muslims subscribe to the Shi'ite school of thought in Islam, which sprung out of political differences during the early history of Islam. Followers of the school are mostly found in Iraq, Iran, Bahrain and certain parts of the Arab world.
While majority of Sunni and Shi'a Muslim scholars recognise each other, there are extremists who resort to violence and brand the other as 'infidels', prompting mainstream leaders from both divides to urge for unity and work on their fundamental similarities.
Tuan Ibrahim added that the authorities should have opted to hold discussion and dialogues instead of resorting to arresting those who hold different opinions.
He reminded that Islam teaches Muslims to resort to the intellect when faced with differences of opinions.
“Because those who are involved are from among university lecturers, students and foreigners, the arrest will not stop the movement from operating.
"Islam teaches us to use the approach of dialogue and argument when facing what we describe as the difference of opinion and school of thoughts,” he said, adding there would always be differences in opinions in Islam.
The arrest also invited a sharp rebuke from former Perlis Mufti, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, who warned the country was sliding to “an era of Talibanisation”.
Asri said the country should not try to “become a country a la Taliban that only allows one school of thought” and deny the right of the people to practice their beliefs.
“[Violence] usually explodes in countries where the right to speak is constantly denied. Perhaps the government has its own agenda in this matter?” he asked.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
My TEDx Talk on the Quran: the Video
Here it is: my TEDx talk — an agnostic Jew on what’s really in the Quran — given at Seattle’s Benaroya Hall on 10/10/10.
I think I’m saying some important things here that need to be much more widely known, especially at this point in time. So if you like this talk, as the live audience clearly did — there was much more laughter than I’d expected, which is why I only just made the TEDx nine-minute limit, and the standing ovation kind of took me by (grateful) surprise — please don’t hesitate to forward it to all who you think will be, might be, or simply should be interested.
And yes indeed, I would love to hear your comments, whichever way they trend!
I think I’m saying some important things here that need to be much more widely known, especially at this point in time. So if you like this talk, as the live audience clearly did — there was much more laughter than I’d expected, which is why I only just made the TEDx nine-minute limit, and the standing ovation kind of took me by (grateful) surprise — please don’t hesitate to forward it to all who you think will be, might be, or simply should be interested.
And yes indeed, I would love to hear your comments, whichever way they trend!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Anwar blasts APCO's involvement in domestic politics
PETALING JAYA, Dec 17: Speaking to the press a day after being slapped with suspension from parliament, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim blasted US-based image consultant firm APCO Worldwide for getting involved in domestic politics and in parliamentary proceedings.
“What is this APCO? Our parliament? To the extent it cannot be questioned? Why does APCO involve in the country’s politics.
"APCO should not be involved with UMNO. They have to answer, and be more responsible, thanks to them, four members of parliaments were suspended without due process,” he said.
Yesterday, speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia's bid to suspend Anwar and three other MPs, Karpal Singh, Sivarasa Rasiah and Azmin Ali, caused a ruckus when Pakatan Rakyat MPs protested Pandikar's chairing of the session due to his membership in the Rights and Privileges Committee which recommended Anwar's suspension. The motions to suspend Anwar and the three others were in the end passed without debate, after PR MPs staged a walkout.
Yesterday, speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia's bid to suspend Anwar and three other MPs, Karpal Singh, Sivarasa Rasiah and Azmin Ali, caused a ruckus when Pakatan Rakyat MPs protested Pandikar's chairing of the session due to his membership in the Rights and Privileges Committee which recommended Anwar's suspension. The motions to suspend Anwar and the three others were in the end passed without debate, after PR MPs staged a walkout.
Earlier, the Committee said Anwar ought to be suspended for six months over his statement that APCO - a company with links to Israeli politicians - got the inspiration for the 1Malaysia slogan from the 'One Israel' slogan not long ago.
Anwar said news reports had furnished details about APCO’s advice to Prime Minister Najib Razak on his '1Malaysia' concept.
Anwar said news reports had furnished details about APCO’s advice to Prime Minister Najib Razak on his '1Malaysia' concept.
“There was no denying from Najib. APCO denied it was involved with Israel. I provided the document to prove the Israeli government had links with APCO. So what’s the issue?
"The issue is (that) it turns out that UMNO who alleged someone as Jewish agents is the one who signed the agreement,” said Anwar, in apparaent reference to frequent accusation by UMNO leaders that he was a "Jewish agent".
“I repeat, for the last 12 years I have been accused of being a Jewish agent. UMNO uses this campaign in all the kampungs. But I now proved that they are not only using a Jewish company but also a company that has a headquarters in Israel," Anwar added.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Obama Surrenders Palestinian Rights
Ramzy Baroud / Al-Ahram |
![]() Former Middle East peace diplomat Aaron David Miller argued in Foreign Policy that, "any advance in the excruciatingly painful world of Arab-Israeli negotiations is significant." He further claimed: "The Obama administration deserves much credit for keeping the Israelis, Palestinians, and key Arab states onboard during some very tough times. The US president has seized on this issue and isn't giving up -- a central requirement for success." But at what price, Mr Miller? And wouldn't you agree that one party's success could also mean another's utter and miserable failure? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly spent eight hours with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu only to persuade him to accept one of the most generous bribes ever bestowed by the United States on any foreign power. The agreement includes the sale of $3 billion worth of US military aircraft (in addition to billions in annual aid packages), a blanket veto of any UN Security Council resolution deemed unfavourable to Israel, and the removal of East Jerusalem from any settlement freeze equation (thus condoning the illegal occupation of the city and the undergoing ethnic cleansing). But even more dangerous than all of these is "a written American promise that this will be the last time President Obama asks the Israelis to halt settlement construction through official channels." Significant. Achievement. Success. Are these really the right terms to describe the latest harrowing scandal? Even the term "bribe", which is abundantly used to describe American generosity, isn't quite adequate here. Bribes have defined the relationship between the ever-generous White House and the quisling Congress to win favour with the ever-demanding Israel and its growingly belligerent Washington lobby. It is not the concept of bribery that should shock us, but the magnitude of the bribe, and the fact that it is presented by a man who positioned himself as a peacemaker (and actually became certified as one, courtesy of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee). Equally shocking is the meagre return that Obama is expected to receive for hard earned US taxpayers' dollars. According to the Atlantic Sentential, this will be "a measly three month extension of the settlement moratorium that originally expired in late September." Acknowledging from the onset that these are mere "midterm manoeuvres", Noah Feldman, writing in The New York Times, asks the question: "Can Obama succeed where so many others have not?" He preludes his answer with: "Israel and the Palestinian Authority will not, of course, make things easy." Seriously, Mr Feldman? Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas, whose mandate has already expired, must be living the most humiliating and difficult moments of his not so distinguished career. At one stage he had hoped that the advent of President Obama would spare him and the PA further embarrassment. Imagining the president would side with his "moderate" position, he placed all his eggs in the Obama basket, even bidding against the democratically elected government of Palestinians in the occupied territories. He went as far as to halt an international investigation into Israeli crimes in the recent Israeli war on Gaza so that not to frustrate Netanyahu's government or upset pro-Israeli sensibilities in the US Congress. True, Abbas tried to appear as a confident and self-assertive leader at times. He asked for a chance to think about the resumption of peace talks, conditioned his acceptance on Israeli actions that never really actualised, and finally sought the help of the Arab League, a beleaguered and muted organisation without any political mandate. How did Abbas and his PA make things "difficult" for the US, Mr Feldman? Would any self-respecting government agree to concessions that are made on its behalf without the opportunity to offer its own input? This is exactly what the PA has repeatedly done under Abbas. Still, many Israelis are not happy with the barter. Caroline B Glick, writing in The Jerusalem Post, described the freezing of construction in illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank as "discriminatory infringement on the property rights of law abiding citizens [that] is breathtaking." She had the hubris to consider the pitiable moratorium as equivalent to "land surrenders". As for the major F-35 deal, it is "simply bizarre", she argued, for after all, "Israel needs the F-35 to defend against enemies like Iran." Mind-boggling. The US generously hands Palestinian rights to Israel on a silver platter, and the far-right mentality, which now governs Israeli mainstream politics and society, still finds it unacceptable. But aside from this arrogant Israeli response, and the US media's attempts to find the positive in Obama's latest scandal, one question must be raised. What happens now that Obama has finally shown he really is no different from his predecessors; that the United States has lost control of its own foreign policy in the Middle East; and that frankly Netanyahu has proved more resilient, more steadfast, and more resourceful than the US president? Shall we go on making the same argument, over and over again, or has the time finally arrived for Palestinians to think outside the American box? Can Arabs finally seek other partners and allies in the region and around the world who understand the link between peace, political stability, and economic prosperity? It may perhaps be time for them to further their relationship with Turkey, to reach out to Latin America, to demand accountability from Europe and to try to understand and engage China. The latest US elections have showed that the Obama hype has run its course in the US itself. One can only hope that Palestinians, Arabs and their friends will realise -- before it's too late -- that hype will never help them. |
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Syariah Court Must Address Woes of The "First Wives" -Hasena
I'm a recently-divorced mother of two girls. For over 6 years in my almost two decades old marriage, I was forced into polygamy against my will with my own friend whom I, in good faith, comforted and supported during her own divorce. Unfortunately dogs sometimes bite the hands of the good samaritan. And I was bitten badly. A husband who was very responsible and loving, and caring for me and my kids, turned into a total stranger. There was no longer the emotional bond and support that held our marriage together for the polygamy to work out since all his affections had turned to this other woman. It was impossible for me to stay in a union where I turned into the third party, effectively pushed out by this "friend". Having given up my career to bring up my kids, I now face extreme difficulty in rebuilding my life and in my financial situation, but it is something I have to do, day by day and I have no option to fail. When marriage breakdown is caused by the husband's betrayal, it is the woman who has to go up and down the courts to disengage herself from a dead situation. I had to fork out legal fees to extricate myself from the marriage, and now I have to face four other issues still unresolved: Child support, compensation, child custody, mutual assets. Each needs different legal applications and is extremely time consuming. The ex-husband has the option of just washing his hands, and the onus is on the ex-wife, struggling to keep her kids together without a father's love and guidance, struggling to rebuild her finances while dealing with her loss and emotional backlash of a broken marriage. She has to engage a lawyer or go through the sulh process through the courts on her own. More time and effort needed from an already drained woman. Irresponsible men, upon divorce, have the tendency to totally wash their hands off the kids' well-being and needs. This was the warning given to me and this has of course proven true. Not content with making the mother of his kids feel like a beggar asking for what is theirs, his financial obligations towards their well-being and growth (school, food, tuition fees, books, recreation etc, ), the new wife proceeds to insult the ex-wife by telling her to "sell herself" to feed the kids. This is the reality of the single mother. The reality of first wives in polygamous marriages not performed in accordance with Islam. Islam is a beautiful religion, with emphasis on fairness. The Qur'an says: Marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with them, then only one or one that your right hands possess. That will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice. (Qur'an 4:3) You will never be able to deal justly between wives however much you desire (to do so). But (if you have more than one wife) do not turn altogether away (from one), leaving her in suspense...(Qur'an 4:129) Yet, Muslim men in Malaysia tend to only jump on the permission given to take four wives, without caring for the huge responsibilities and duties incumbent upon them due to their wives and kids. And they tend to turn away emotionally and physically from the first, leaving them "in suspense" as Allah put it, neither loved nor released. Imprisoned. After being imprisoned for years despite being a good, loyal wife and mother whose life revolved around her family (a respectable choice, despite what feminists might say and I would certainly do it again), I am now still being bound by laws which put the burden on women and let the men off scot free. Something is really wrong if breaking up and abandoning families and marriage is not a crime. I really believe there should be a law in the Syariah that allows the first wives/ex-wives to seek compensation from women who willfully and gleefully participate in breaking up marriage and families. I will the first to seek redress from the woman who left my kids without a father and got him to be a surrogate father to her own adopted kids, which involved baby trafficking, but that is another issue for another time. Of course the man is to blame equally for his lack of foresight and care of the consequences on his own children, his own family, but the third party should not be let off scot free, knowing full well the result of her actions. What am I getting at here? The injustice of it all. The fact that marriage costs nothing in the end. It has to amount to something, at least some proper monetary value and redress to enable the ones who have to pick up the pieces start over again. Infidelity and betrayal is not something "intangible". It causes just as much damage as being hit by a reckless driver. One does not jointly bring kids into this world and then make them orphans when their father is still alive. |
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Malaysians Voice.
'The judge refused to make available to the defence what it was inherently entitled to. Worse, he threatened the defence counsel for standing his ground.'
Recusal bid 'frivolous and vexatious'
Kgen: If the recusal bid is 'frivolous and vexatious', what do you call the dogmatic refusal by the prosecution to hand over the medical notes as required by law for Anwar Ibrahim's defence? How about 'disgusting and disreputable' or 'bizzare and unjust?'
This is nothing more than a parody of justice, a kangaroo court and a mockery of the judicial process. That Malaysia can indulge in this mock trial that would make Stalin and Hitler proud under the full glare of the world show that Umno has descended into uncivilised barbarians.
Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: The cat is out of the bag. So now we know why in a twist of events which defies the clear pattern of bias thus far, that judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah surprisingly granted the defence access to the pro-forma form despite being opposed to the request all along.
This serves a two-pronged purpose. The first is to justify not citing the prosecution's witness for contempt because the "world is watching".
Secondly, it is to provide the only grounds for the prosecution to assert that the clearly biased judge is unbiased and actually impartial and therefore should continue orchestrating this judicial charade.
That way, everything appears lawful. (So they think!). Again, because the world is watching!
Chi Ted Fatt: Is it right or proper for either the prosecution or defence team to defend a judge? Shouldn't the judge defend himself? In any case, if there is any hint by either team that the judge is being biased, the judge should automatically recuse himself so as to give a semblance of fairness to either party. Or not?
Dennis Madden: The whole Sodomy II fiasco is seen as vexatious and frivolous. Just watch the FDI figures as Umno and its puppets in the legal profession struggle to maintain their egos and their power base. You sure have to be proud to be a Malaysian... and admit it.
Tok Janggut: This court case is actually not between Anwar and Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan but rather between the two lawyers. It is a competition on who can twist and turn the law, finding all the loopholes in the system and try to use them to one's advantage.
DOC: Why so much of drama? The question on the rakyat's mind is when the Umno-run judiciary will be delivering the 'guilty' verdict and send Anwar to prison.
With Anwar behind bars; Umno hopes to crush the opposition, PKR hopes to rejuvenate themselves in the public's eyes after a series of political blunders by playing the "we are oppressed" card, Anwar hopes to be the next "jailed freedom fighter" with the prospects winning a Nobel peace prize and garnering international support. After all, the world needs a new hero especially now that Aung Sang Syu Kyi has been released by the Burmese junta.
The opposition hopes that with Anwar behind bars, the undecided, sympathising and angry voters will vote Pakatan Rakyat in the coming GE.
Vijay: Considering the environment and attitudes within which the Malaysian prosecution forces work, it is no surprise that DPP Hanafiah Zakaria should describe a man's anguish for a fair trial as "frivolous".
What is frightening however, is his warped sense of reasoning and understanding of facts. His twisted logic is that the defence's bid to recluse is due to an unfavourable decision. It is not. It is due to the fact that all precedence and even a minute concern for justice has been discarded.
The judge refused to make available to the defence what it was inherently entitled to. Worse, he threatened the defence counsel for standing his ground. If the decision to now allow the request for the reports is seen as unbiased, does it not prove that his earlier stand was not?
The judge buckled only because he feared being viewed with even greater contempt than he already is. Sorry, Yang Arif Zabidin, you are no Solomon. Or in keeping with the National Language Act, should that be Sulaiman?
Changeagent: Very well argued, Hanafiah (not!). I think you have fully convinced judge Zabidin not to recuse himself.
Sodomy II: Judge sets Dec 6 for decision on recusal bid
Yobama: We all can predict the outcome of the judge's decision, because he is his own judge - 'bersaksi kelutut' as the Malays call it.
Where on earth do you have this sort of situation? A person sitting as judge to judge himself; i.e. whether he should continue to judge the case or give it to someone else. He has been asigned to this case by his 'bosses' and was given a mission to finish off DSAI (Anwar Ibrahim) because the latter poses such a huge threat to Najib Razak, who has declared that he must 'defend Putrajaya' at all costs.
The BN thinks it is Umno's birthright from the time of Merdeka to govern the country. Any other party will spell disaster for a lot people. Imagine the need for complete overhaul if another force takes over Putrajaya.
The courts will have to be reconstituted, and the present Umno-appointed judge will be the first casualty. The police, the MACC, the EC, etc. will also be under review. No prize for guessing the outcome of the defense's request for the judge to recuse himself.
UpYours: Why take so long to make a decision? Sometimes is amiss here?
Recusal bid 'frivolous and vexatious'
Kgen: If the recusal bid is 'frivolous and vexatious', what do you call the dogmatic refusal by the prosecution to hand over the medical notes as required by law for Anwar Ibrahim's defence? How about 'disgusting and disreputable' or 'bizzare and unjust?'
This is nothing more than a parody of justice, a kangaroo court and a mockery of the judicial process. That Malaysia can indulge in this mock trial that would make Stalin and Hitler proud under the full glare of the world show that Umno has descended into uncivilised barbarians.
Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: The cat is out of the bag. So now we know why in a twist of events which defies the clear pattern of bias thus far, that judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah surprisingly granted the defence access to the pro-forma form despite being opposed to the request all along.
This serves a two-pronged purpose. The first is to justify not citing the prosecution's witness for contempt because the "world is watching".
Secondly, it is to provide the only grounds for the prosecution to assert that the clearly biased judge is unbiased and actually impartial and therefore should continue orchestrating this judicial charade.
That way, everything appears lawful. (So they think!). Again, because the world is watching!
Chi Ted Fatt: Is it right or proper for either the prosecution or defence team to defend a judge? Shouldn't the judge defend himself? In any case, if there is any hint by either team that the judge is being biased, the judge should automatically recuse himself so as to give a semblance of fairness to either party. Or not?
Dennis Madden: The whole Sodomy II fiasco is seen as vexatious and frivolous. Just watch the FDI figures as Umno and its puppets in the legal profession struggle to maintain their egos and their power base. You sure have to be proud to be a Malaysian... and admit it.
Tok Janggut: This court case is actually not between Anwar and Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan but rather between the two lawyers. It is a competition on who can twist and turn the law, finding all the loopholes in the system and try to use them to one's advantage.
DOC: Why so much of drama? The question on the rakyat's mind is when the Umno-run judiciary will be delivering the 'guilty' verdict and send Anwar to prison.
With Anwar behind bars; Umno hopes to crush the opposition, PKR hopes to rejuvenate themselves in the public's eyes after a series of political blunders by playing the "we are oppressed" card, Anwar hopes to be the next "jailed freedom fighter" with the prospects winning a Nobel peace prize and garnering international support. After all, the world needs a new hero especially now that Aung Sang Syu Kyi has been released by the Burmese junta.
The opposition hopes that with Anwar behind bars, the undecided, sympathising and angry voters will vote Pakatan Rakyat in the coming GE.
Vijay: Considering the environment and attitudes within which the Malaysian prosecution forces work, it is no surprise that DPP Hanafiah Zakaria should describe a man's anguish for a fair trial as "frivolous".
What is frightening however, is his warped sense of reasoning and understanding of facts. His twisted logic is that the defence's bid to recluse is due to an unfavourable decision. It is not. It is due to the fact that all precedence and even a minute concern for justice has been discarded.
The judge refused to make available to the defence what it was inherently entitled to. Worse, he threatened the defence counsel for standing his ground. If the decision to now allow the request for the reports is seen as unbiased, does it not prove that his earlier stand was not?
The judge buckled only because he feared being viewed with even greater contempt than he already is. Sorry, Yang Arif Zabidin, you are no Solomon. Or in keeping with the National Language Act, should that be Sulaiman?
Changeagent: Very well argued, Hanafiah (not!). I think you have fully convinced judge Zabidin not to recuse himself.
Sodomy II: Judge sets Dec 6 for decision on recusal bid
Yobama: We all can predict the outcome of the judge's decision, because he is his own judge - 'bersaksi kelutut' as the Malays call it.
Where on earth do you have this sort of situation? A person sitting as judge to judge himself; i.e. whether he should continue to judge the case or give it to someone else. He has been asigned to this case by his 'bosses' and was given a mission to finish off DSAI (Anwar Ibrahim) because the latter poses such a huge threat to Najib Razak, who has declared that he must 'defend Putrajaya' at all costs.
The BN thinks it is Umno's birthright from the time of Merdeka to govern the country. Any other party will spell disaster for a lot people. Imagine the need for complete overhaul if another force takes over Putrajaya.
The courts will have to be reconstituted, and the present Umno-appointed judge will be the first casualty. The police, the MACC, the EC, etc. will also be under review. No prize for guessing the outcome of the defense's request for the judge to recuse himself.
UpYours: Why take so long to make a decision? Sometimes is amiss here?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Malaysians Say.
'Not only Malaysians are watching, the whole world is watching how this sodomy case is being conducted. With Internet, news spreads instantly.'
Court hears defence's bid to disqualify judge
Anonymous: The court of justice should remain a court where justice is not impaired by bias or prejudice, whether overt or covert.
Not only Malaysians are watching, the whole world is watching how the sodomy case involving Anwar Ibrahim is being conducted. With Internet, news spreads instantly; and those in the judiciary must practise impartiality. We simply cannot afford to be blind.
P Dev Anand Pillai: Although the defence is trying its best, the plan against Anwar has been executed. Umno and its followers are not bothered about the law as they are above the law. Nothing will change as long as we have a staunch Umno stalwart as the head of the judiciary.
It is the Umno's courts. That is what MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP have allowed them to do and yet these parties have the gall to tell the people to vote for this regime. So whether the world is watching or not and whether it is a contravention of the Judges Code of Ethics Act 2009, the judge and the judiciary will not be bothered.
They know that Karpal Singh will appeal and they would have prepared a quorum of judges by now who will throw out the appeal. So folks, only a mass-scale rebellion will be the answer, till then they do not care two hoots on whether the rakyat live or die.
Rolls-Royce: We so often talk about legal principles and rules of natural justice - the right to be heard and that the adjudicating or the presiding authority must be impartial.
This is where I find most confusing. If you have complaints against the police, you go to the police to make a report against the police. If you are not happy with a judge you go to him/her to apply for him/her to recuse or to disqualify oneself.
I am not a lawyer, but is this oxymoron?
By Election Fan: I just wonder how many of our judges from the High Court to the Federal Court is living up to the values and true spirit of judicial independence. Don't they have the sense of duty to uphold the law and the constitution, and to protect the country from being ruined by the corrupted regime.
Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: Forgive me for being a layman on matters of law but I find it totally ridiculous and absolutely nonsensical to be expecting a judge to make an unbiased decision that concurs with the fact that he is actually biased and should therefore recuse himself.
Which biased person of sound mind on the planet would ever concur that he is biased? Wasn't this motion put forth at the earlier stage of the case and judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah denied that he was biased and insisted that he would continue to preside the case? So why would it be different this time?
More importantly, why the need for extra time to deliver the decision on whether to recuse himself? It takes no Einstein to figure, judge Zabidin needs the legally savvy con expert who is currently ill to get better and thereupon cook up some form of legal justification that is not so nonsensical to those feeble-minded Malaysians who still refuse to see that this entire trial is no more than a judicial sham and a charade to mask this blatant atrocity of justice.
Maitreya: Everybody is sick and tired of this ridiculous farce. Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan is businesswoman Mumtaz Jaafar's godson and Mumtaz is Rosmah's business associate.
Saiful has declared in open court that he conferred with Rosmah and Najib Razak - and then Musa Hassan's assistant Rodwan Mohd Yusof - before lodging a police report against Anwar.
And yet the prosecution, under the AG's instruction, proceeds with full force to jail Anwar as if murder and mayhem have been committed. Obscene.
Not Confused: Yes, another day in this tiresome farce. I agree that Karpal Singh and Anwar should explore every avenue to get justice (and that justice is seen to be done), but I fear that it will all be a waste of their time. The judge will never recuse himself.
Wira: It is not easy for any defence lawyer to argue in front of a biased judge. I salute YB Karpal for his gallant effort.
Anyway, I suspect that the reason why they 'masuk chamber' so many times during this trial is to avoid the embarrassment like in that MACC/Teoh Beng Hock case where someone can utter, in confounded desperation when cornered, that a dead body is heavier than a living one and then try a strangulation of himself using his own hands.
Keanjin: Will a new judge make any difference to this high-profile case? Who will make the final judgment? We know the answer. If you don't, ask Lim Guan Eng!
Confushius: I warned the wild life smuggler not to sneak in kangaroos. A few have escaped and gone feral. Funnily enough, you can see herds of them hopping around the compounds of our courts. Animal Planet should investigate this strange behaviour.
The world is watching Sodomy II, reminds Karpal
Cala: By Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah's own conduct in Sodomy II, he has failed miserably as a judge where fairness is expected from him. I wonder how he can resurrect himself to continue with the trial when all forms of norms have been ignored. The only honourable thing for him to do is indeed to bow out of the trial.
JBGuy: Some commentators here think Anwar is guilty as charged. Well, either they must have wax for brains or they prefer to buy the propaganda from the government. If the government is so sure of his guilt then let all evidence be accessible to the defence.
Why is the prosecution and their witnesses, including the impartial judge, are all so keen to hide the evidence from the defence?
True, sodomy is a matter between God and the individual, but since the government is willing to spend millions on it, it makes one wonder if the well-being of the rakyat is secondary to the government.
Court hears defence's bid to disqualify judge
Anonymous: The court of justice should remain a court where justice is not impaired by bias or prejudice, whether overt or covert.
Not only Malaysians are watching, the whole world is watching how the sodomy case involving Anwar Ibrahim is being conducted. With Internet, news spreads instantly; and those in the judiciary must practise impartiality. We simply cannot afford to be blind.
P Dev Anand Pillai: Although the defence is trying its best, the plan against Anwar has been executed. Umno and its followers are not bothered about the law as they are above the law. Nothing will change as long as we have a staunch Umno stalwart as the head of the judiciary.
It is the Umno's courts. That is what MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP have allowed them to do and yet these parties have the gall to tell the people to vote for this regime. So whether the world is watching or not and whether it is a contravention of the Judges Code of Ethics Act 2009, the judge and the judiciary will not be bothered.
They know that Karpal Singh will appeal and they would have prepared a quorum of judges by now who will throw out the appeal. So folks, only a mass-scale rebellion will be the answer, till then they do not care two hoots on whether the rakyat live or die.
Rolls-Royce: We so often talk about legal principles and rules of natural justice - the right to be heard and that the adjudicating or the presiding authority must be impartial.
This is where I find most confusing. If you have complaints against the police, you go to the police to make a report against the police. If you are not happy with a judge you go to him/her to apply for him/her to recuse or to disqualify oneself.
I am not a lawyer, but is this oxymoron?
By Election Fan: I just wonder how many of our judges from the High Court to the Federal Court is living up to the values and true spirit of judicial independence. Don't they have the sense of duty to uphold the law and the constitution, and to protect the country from being ruined by the corrupted regime.
Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: Forgive me for being a layman on matters of law but I find it totally ridiculous and absolutely nonsensical to be expecting a judge to make an unbiased decision that concurs with the fact that he is actually biased and should therefore recuse himself.
Which biased person of sound mind on the planet would ever concur that he is biased? Wasn't this motion put forth at the earlier stage of the case and judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah denied that he was biased and insisted that he would continue to preside the case? So why would it be different this time?
More importantly, why the need for extra time to deliver the decision on whether to recuse himself? It takes no Einstein to figure, judge Zabidin needs the legally savvy con expert who is currently ill to get better and thereupon cook up some form of legal justification that is not so nonsensical to those feeble-minded Malaysians who still refuse to see that this entire trial is no more than a judicial sham and a charade to mask this blatant atrocity of justice.
Maitreya: Everybody is sick and tired of this ridiculous farce. Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan is businesswoman Mumtaz Jaafar's godson and Mumtaz is Rosmah's business associate.
Saiful has declared in open court that he conferred with Rosmah and Najib Razak - and then Musa Hassan's assistant Rodwan Mohd Yusof - before lodging a police report against Anwar.
And yet the prosecution, under the AG's instruction, proceeds with full force to jail Anwar as if murder and mayhem have been committed. Obscene.
Not Confused: Yes, another day in this tiresome farce. I agree that Karpal Singh and Anwar should explore every avenue to get justice (and that justice is seen to be done), but I fear that it will all be a waste of their time. The judge will never recuse himself.
Wira: It is not easy for any defence lawyer to argue in front of a biased judge. I salute YB Karpal for his gallant effort.
Anyway, I suspect that the reason why they 'masuk chamber' so many times during this trial is to avoid the embarrassment like in that MACC/Teoh Beng Hock case where someone can utter, in confounded desperation when cornered, that a dead body is heavier than a living one and then try a strangulation of himself using his own hands.
Keanjin: Will a new judge make any difference to this high-profile case? Who will make the final judgment? We know the answer. If you don't, ask Lim Guan Eng!
Confushius: I warned the wild life smuggler not to sneak in kangaroos. A few have escaped and gone feral. Funnily enough, you can see herds of them hopping around the compounds of our courts. Animal Planet should investigate this strange behaviour.
The world is watching Sodomy II, reminds Karpal
Cala: By Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah's own conduct in Sodomy II, he has failed miserably as a judge where fairness is expected from him. I wonder how he can resurrect himself to continue with the trial when all forms of norms have been ignored. The only honourable thing for him to do is indeed to bow out of the trial.
JBGuy: Some commentators here think Anwar is guilty as charged. Well, either they must have wax for brains or they prefer to buy the propaganda from the government. If the government is so sure of his guilt then let all evidence be accessible to the defence.
Why is the prosecution and their witnesses, including the impartial judge, are all so keen to hide the evidence from the defence?
True, sodomy is a matter between God and the individual, but since the government is willing to spend millions on it, it makes one wonder if the well-being of the rakyat is secondary to the government.
Who should go Dato' Sri Anwar or Dr. Asri ?
Reading Harakahdaily's report on November 1 about the former Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin's view that an opposition without the "veterans" would ensure a more "viable" opposition, I could not help but wonder whether there are any honest, non-partisan leaders left in this country. I am no fan of Anwar Ibrahim. Alas, I have many other candidates for prime minister. As much as I detest his politics, like Asri, I do not think he should be retiring simply because he failed to excite the young Asri and to give something different everyday to the Malaysian audience. Asri seems to be targetting solely on Anwar, and this personal hatred of Anwar seems to have failed to be concealed within the 'careful' arrangement of polite terminology that accompanied the remarks. Asri, for one, has failed to name many other so-called 'veterans', but singled out Anwar. Why? Surely, even for cosmetic sake, one could throw a few more names? Asri is entitled to his personal views about anyone. If Asri thinks that the opposition supporters should applaud him over whatever he says, then Asri is bordering on naivety. This is especially so when one appreciates the fact that Asri himself is no angel when it comes to political objectivity. And thinking further, I dare say that this has got something to do with his special relationship with Dr Mahathir Mohamad, for whom Asri holds in high regard. This brings a question: has Asri ever spoken out against the sodomy allegations involving Anwar? What does Asri, as an ordinary Muslim - never mind whether he is a former Mufti or an Islamic PhD holder - think about this whole sodomy saga? Why I am asking this is because anyone with an inkling of doubt about Anwar's innocence in this whole saga would definitely not want Anwar in the opposition or in government. And to me, anyone who doubts Anwar's innocence despite all the idiotic things going in the courtroom, should re-examine his or her faith. Otherwise, I fail to understand why Anwar's seniority and "veteranship" in politics - the reason given by Asri - must be an excuse for him to depart from the political scene. |
Reading Harakahdaily's report on November 1 about the former Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin's view that an opposition without the "veterans" would ensure a more "viable" opposition, I could not help but wonder whether there are any honest, non-partisan leaders left in this country. I am no fan of Anwar Ibrahim. Alas, I have many other candidates for prime minister. As much as I detest his politics, like Asri, I do not think he should be retiring simply because he failed to excite the young Asri and to give something different everyday to the Malaysian audience. Asri seems to be targetting solely on Anwar, and this personal hatred of Anwar seems to have failed to be concealed within the 'careful' arrangement of polite terminology that accompanied the remarks. Asri, for one, has failed to name many other so-called 'veterans', but singled out Anwar. Why? Surely, even for cosmetic sake, one could throw a few more names? Asri is entitled to his personal views about anyone. If Asri thinks that the opposition supporters should applaud him over whatever he says, then Asri is bordering on naivety. This is especially so when one appreciates the fact that Asri himself is no angel when it comes to political objectivity. And thinking further, I dare say that this has got something to do with his special relationship with Dr Mahathir Mohamad, for whom Asri holds in high regard. This brings a question: has Asri ever spoken out against the sodomy allegations involving Anwar? What does Asri, as an ordinary Muslim - never mind whether he is a former Mufti or an Islamic PhD holder - think about this whole sodomy saga? Why I am asking this is because anyone with an inkling of doubt about Anwar's innocence in this whole saga would definitely not want Anwar in the opposition or in government. And to me, anyone who doubts Anwar's innocence despite all the idiotic things going in the courtroom, should re-examine his or her faith. Otherwise, I fail to understand why Anwar's seniority and "veteranship" in politics - the reason given by Asri - must be an excuse for him to depart from the political scene. |
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Raja Lawak - Hakim Zabidin.
Anwar, dalam affidavit sokongannya mendakwa hakim mengugut untuk menakut-nakutkannya.
Menurut Karpal anak guamnya bimbang mengenai keputusan berat sebelah meskipun Zabidin telah menarik semula kenyataannya.
Hakim: Apa yang anda perkatakan boleh ditakris sebagai hina mahkamah.
Karpal: Isu hina mahkamah tak timbul kerana saya mesti jaga kepentingan anak guam saya.
Hakim: Kes (peguam) Zainur Zakaria adalah jelas.
Karpal: Ugutan hina mahkamah tidak wajar. Anda mesti lihat secara objektif. Untuk mengugut kami pada peringkat ini sebelum memfailkan permohonan tak betul.
Hakim: Saya tidak kata 'contempt'.
Karpal: Untuk menakutkan peguam adalah perkara yang serius. Untuk tuduhan 'contempt' juga tak wajar. Kita ada tanggungjawab terhadap anak guam. Ini adalah ugutan hina mahkamah yang Yang Arif mesti tarik balik.
Hakim: Okay, Saya tarik balik.
Karpal: Adalah tidak wajar bagi Yang Arif berkata demikian.
Hakim: Okay! Okay! Ia tak wajar.
Mahkamah kemudiannya terpaksa menangguhkan perbicaraan sehingga pagi esok bagi memberi laluan kepada permohonan peguambela mengugurkan hakim Zabidin.
Menurut Karpal anak guamnya bimbang mengenai keputusan berat sebelah meskipun Zabidin telah menarik semula kenyataannya.
Hakim: Apa yang anda perkatakan boleh ditakris sebagai hina mahkamah.
Karpal: Isu hina mahkamah tak timbul kerana saya mesti jaga kepentingan anak guam saya.
Hakim: Kes (peguam) Zainur Zakaria adalah jelas.
Karpal: Ugutan hina mahkamah tidak wajar. Anda mesti lihat secara objektif. Untuk mengugut kami pada peringkat ini sebelum memfailkan permohonan tak betul.
Karpal: Untuk menakutkan peguam adalah perkara yang serius. Untuk tuduhan 'contempt' juga tak wajar. Kita ada tanggungjawab terhadap anak guam. Ini adalah ugutan hina mahkamah yang Yang Arif mesti tarik balik.
Hakim: Okay, Saya tarik balik.
Karpal: Adalah tidak wajar bagi Yang Arif berkata demikian.
Hakim: Okay! Okay! Ia tak wajar.
Mahkamah kemudiannya terpaksa menangguhkan perbicaraan sehingga pagi esok bagi memberi laluan kepada permohonan peguambela mengugurkan hakim Zabidin.
What "1Malaysia" say about Malaysian Court ?
Anonymous: Anwar Ibrahim's appeal was dismissed by Court of Appeal judge Abdul Malik Ishak solely because the appeal documents were not in Bahasa, but Malik's own judgment for this ruling was written in English.
Anwar appealed against this ruling to nullify Malik's judgment because it was not in Bahasa, but the Federal Court ruled today that Malik's judgment can be in Bahasa because the judges have wide discretions to do this.
You mean the judges are not bound by the National Language Act? They can speak and use English or Bahasa but we, the rakyat, must use only Bahasa? How to win cases against the ruling elites in Malaysia courts? Bar Council, shame on you for not speaking up.
P Dev Anand Pillai: First the judiciary said that Anwar's appeal was filed in English so it was not valid as it must be in Bahasa Malaysia. Then the judgment for that appeal was given in English. Now it doesn't matter whether it was in English or BM, the courts have the final discretion.
First they talked about the supremacy of BM in the federal constitution, but they forget that they call themselves United Malays National Organisation (Umno).
Well, it will not be a surprise if Utusan Malaysia does not shout and rant on this issue although they are the saviours of our national language. They will have to keep mum on this as it is their very own Malay judges who prefer to write in English instead of Malay.
The judiciary is beyond redemption - only a full-scale rebellion by the masses will put an end to this rot. But knowing our dumb electorate, they will continue to vote for these people again and again. Therefore, the dumb get dumber.
Tailek: Anwar Ibrahim cases are setting all sorts of new judicial precedents for all the wrong reasons. When the opposition wants to apply these same precedents to aid their case, the court shoots it down.
There is no level-playing field in the court as far as Anwar or Pakatan Rakyat is concerned. I think many Malaysians feel that our justice system has deteriorated to the point of no return.
Phra Ong Chao: Anwar's lawyers file papers in English - 'tak boleh'. Judges who ruled that English 'tak boleh' wrote the judgment in English - 'boleh, pula'. Conclusion: Malaysia really 'boleh'.
Ranjit Singh: The cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions relates to facts and evidence, not the language. Man-made law is of no substance when it does not serve judicially the cause of action for human beings.
I think these days, even I can be a judge when you have Umno judges with such convoluted minds that only serve their own interests beyond what is just and fair, as their political needs will protect them against their own consciousness.
Sarajun Hoda: This is another mother of all judgments. What kind of justice is this? We are becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of the rest of the world, yet we are complaining that Malaysia's reputation is going down the drain by blaming Anwar for 'buat malu kita di persada dunia'?
Gandhi: The more injustice Anwar gets from the court, the more popular he becomes. Sympathy is growing as the odds are deliberately stacked against him. Divine intervention is the only hope for all these doings.
Md Imraz Muhd Ikhbal: The day when court judgments defy every precept of logic, when the judiciary adheres no longer to the constitution but to the political will of the ruling elites; when the law miserably fails to uphold justice; that is the day when a nation plunges into the depths of deplorability.
We see this happening in many parts of the world and witness how the people suffer extreme misery. Since childhood, never once did it cross my mind that it could ever happen to my beloved country. But I guess accepting this reality no matter how shocking and disgusting is part of growing up.
Anonymous2: So let me get this straight:
1) Anwar's preliminary objection was dismissed because it was in English.
2) All court documents shall be in the national language.
3) However, the court may in its own motion use the English language in the 'interest of justice'.
4) Therefore, the judgment can be in English.
Conclusion? This is total bullshit. And Malaysiakini can print that!
Ruben: The outcomes of the appeal shows very clearly the biasness of the judiciary, be it in this case or in the sodomy case. We know the sentiments of the rakyat and should not let that go unnoticed.
One way of showing our extreme frustration and support for change is to set up a 'Save Anwar from an Unjust Judiciary' fund that we can contribute to pay whatever costs of damages incurred/legal costs, etc.
There were millions of Malaysians who voted against BN in the last general elections. There will be millions who can voice their support by contributing just a token amount to this fund.
Chandran Sukumaran: Please tell me how I could contribute RM100 towards the fine. I am a pensioner and I am fed up with the judiciary. I hope they won't trace me and perhaps arrest me. I want true justice in Malaysia. What's happening to this country that I love?
Cascara: This is a case of 'Heads I win, tails you lose'. Justice, Malaysian-style.
Anwar appealed against this ruling to nullify Malik's judgment because it was not in Bahasa, but the Federal Court ruled today that Malik's judgment can be in Bahasa because the judges have wide discretions to do this.
You mean the judges are not bound by the National Language Act? They can speak and use English or Bahasa but we, the rakyat, must use only Bahasa? How to win cases against the ruling elites in Malaysia courts? Bar Council, shame on you for not speaking up.
P Dev Anand Pillai: First the judiciary said that Anwar's appeal was filed in English so it was not valid as it must be in Bahasa Malaysia. Then the judgment for that appeal was given in English. Now it doesn't matter whether it was in English or BM, the courts have the final discretion.
First they talked about the supremacy of BM in the federal constitution, but they forget that they call themselves United Malays National Organisation (Umno).
Well, it will not be a surprise if Utusan Malaysia does not shout and rant on this issue although they are the saviours of our national language. They will have to keep mum on this as it is their very own Malay judges who prefer to write in English instead of Malay.
The judiciary is beyond redemption - only a full-scale rebellion by the masses will put an end to this rot. But knowing our dumb electorate, they will continue to vote for these people again and again. Therefore, the dumb get dumber.
Tailek: Anwar Ibrahim cases are setting all sorts of new judicial precedents for all the wrong reasons. When the opposition wants to apply these same precedents to aid their case, the court shoots it down.
There is no level-playing field in the court as far as Anwar or Pakatan Rakyat is concerned. I think many Malaysians feel that our justice system has deteriorated to the point of no return.
Phra Ong Chao: Anwar's lawyers file papers in English - 'tak boleh'. Judges who ruled that English 'tak boleh' wrote the judgment in English - 'boleh, pula'. Conclusion: Malaysia really 'boleh'.
Ranjit Singh: The cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions relates to facts and evidence, not the language. Man-made law is of no substance when it does not serve judicially the cause of action for human beings.
I think these days, even I can be a judge when you have Umno judges with such convoluted minds that only serve their own interests beyond what is just and fair, as their political needs will protect them against their own consciousness.
Sarajun Hoda: This is another mother of all judgments. What kind of justice is this? We are becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of the rest of the world, yet we are complaining that Malaysia's reputation is going down the drain by blaming Anwar for 'buat malu kita di persada dunia'?
Gandhi: The more injustice Anwar gets from the court, the more popular he becomes. Sympathy is growing as the odds are deliberately stacked against him. Divine intervention is the only hope for all these doings.
Md Imraz Muhd Ikhbal: The day when court judgments defy every precept of logic, when the judiciary adheres no longer to the constitution but to the political will of the ruling elites; when the law miserably fails to uphold justice; that is the day when a nation plunges into the depths of deplorability.
We see this happening in many parts of the world and witness how the people suffer extreme misery. Since childhood, never once did it cross my mind that it could ever happen to my beloved country. But I guess accepting this reality no matter how shocking and disgusting is part of growing up.
Anonymous2: So let me get this straight:
1) Anwar's preliminary objection was dismissed because it was in English.
2) All court documents shall be in the national language.
3) However, the court may in its own motion use the English language in the 'interest of justice'.
4) Therefore, the judgment can be in English.
Conclusion? This is total bullshit. And Malaysiakini can print that!
Ruben: The outcomes of the appeal shows very clearly the biasness of the judiciary, be it in this case or in the sodomy case. We know the sentiments of the rakyat and should not let that go unnoticed.
One way of showing our extreme frustration and support for change is to set up a 'Save Anwar from an Unjust Judiciary' fund that we can contribute to pay whatever costs of damages incurred/legal costs, etc.
There were millions of Malaysians who voted against BN in the last general elections. There will be millions who can voice their support by contributing just a token amount to this fund.
Chandran Sukumaran: Please tell me how I could contribute RM100 towards the fine. I am a pensioner and I am fed up with the judiciary. I hope they won't trace me and perhaps arrest me. I want true justice in Malaysia. What's happening to this country that I love?
Cascara: This is a case of 'Heads I win, tails you lose'. Justice, Malaysian-style.
Mufti Perak.
Selama ini Mufti Perak agak popular disebabkan keberanian dan kegarangannya membangkitkan sesuatu isu. Ini bermula dengan isu murtad, sureheboh dan beberapa isu lagi. Walau bagaimanapun saya tidak nampak sebarang kejayaan dari apa yang di bangkitkan.Lebih 20 tahun menjadi Mufti tapi bilangan yang memeluk Islam terlalu sedikit. Sepatutnya Perak sudah seluruhnya Islam jika menurut sunnah kejayaan Nabi Muhammad selama 23 tahun menjadi Nabi dan Rasul.
Islam bukan menjadi tarikan kepada India , Cina dan bukan Islam khususnya tetapi di benci dan di takuti kerana pendekatan yang di ambil bukan pendekatan dakwah tetapi pendekatan menakutkan orang bukan Islam seperti kononnya Melayu itu Islam dan Islam itu Melayu berdalilkan Perlembagaan bukan Al-Quran dan Sunnnah. Kalau zaman dahulu orang bukan Islam takut memeluk Islam sebab masuk Melayu yang menyebabkan kena wajib berkhitan dan luka khitan sembuh untuk jangka masa yang agak lama. Maka orang cina hanya setakat jadi Baba Melaka dan orang India menjadi Chetty sebab takut nak khitan.
Sekarang masuk Islam jadi Melayu sebab dalilnya Melayu itu Islam mengikut perlembagaan kata Mufti Perak.Sekarang mana yang lebih tinggi Al-Quran dan Sunnah atau Perlembagaan ? Mana yang perlu diikut dahulu Allah ke manusia ? Mana yang wajib jika di tinggalkan berdosa dan mana yang wajib jika di tinggalkan tidak berdosa ?
Betul ke pemimpin mesti di kalangan orang Melayu dan ia bersesuaian dengan Hadis Nabi yang mengatakan bahawa pemimpin perlu dari Quraish. Kalau ikut senario politik di Malaysia, ia sama dengan tuntutan orang Ansar yang mahukan jawatan Khalifah kerana mereka penduduk asal Madinah dan orang Muhajirin adalah pendatang Mekah.. Maka kiasan Mufti Perak tak kena lansung.
Begitu juga kononnya kena taat pemimpin seperti taatkan Rasulullah dengan merujuk Perjanjian Hudaibiah. Taat kepada Rasulullah adalah ketaatan Mutlak , jika tak taat menjadi kafir. Tetapi ketaatan pada peminpin bukan ketaatan Mutlak bah ia adalah ketaatan bersyarat dan tidak menjadi kafir.Sebab itu ayat Al-Quran kata "TAATlah kepada Allah, TAATlah kepada Rasul dan Ulil Amri" . Tiada perkataan " taat" pada Ulil Amri secara terus atau Mutlak tetapi di rangkaikan dengan taat kepada Allah , taat ke Rasul.
“Wahai orang yang beriman, taatlah kamu kepada Allah dan Rasul dan kepada Ulil-Amri dari kalangan kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berselisih dalam sesuatu perkara, maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya jika benar kamu beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat. Yang demikian adalah lebih baik (bagi kamu), dan lebih elok pula kesudahannya” -surah an-nisaa- 59
Imam Ibnu Al-Qayyim mengatakan dalam bukunya I’lam al-Muwaqqi’in;
“Allah dalam ayat ini memerintahkan kaum mukmin untuk taat kepadaNya dan taat kepada RasulNya. Dia mengulangi kata ‘taatlah kamu sekalian’ (athi’u) sebagai pemberitahuan bahawa taat kepada rasulNya haruslah dalam bentuk yang tersendiri, dan tidak memerintahkan taat kepada ulil amri secara tersendiri. Dia menghilangkan kata perintah taat kepada ulil amri, dengan maksud bahawa ketaatan kepada mereka berada dalam ketaatan pada Rasulullah s.a.w, sekaligus sebagai pemberitahuan bahawasanya ketaatan pada mereka adalah dalam rangka mentaati Rasulullah s.a.w. Dan oleh kerana itu, barangsiapa yang diangkat menjadi pemimpin dan menentang apa yang dibawa Rasulullah saw maka dia tidak perlu di dengar dan di taati. Ayat ini juga menyinggung persoalan orang-orang yang beriman kadang-kadang berselisih pendapat mengenai sebahagian hukum –sebaimana yang dilakukan para sahabat dalam banyak hal—dan ini tidak membuat mereka keluar dari garis keimanan, apabila merujukkan perselisihan pendapat itu kepada Allah dan RasulNya, sebagaimana di persyaratkan oleh Allah kepada mereka;
“Kemudian jika kamu berselisih dalam sesuatu perkara, maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya jika benar kamu beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat. “ an-nisaa 59
- Rujuk Al-Marja’ijjah Al’ulya Fil-Islam Lil-Qur’an
Ketika Abu Zar di buang daerah oleh Usman r.a. Usman memerintahkan tidak seorangpun di benarkan mengiring Abu Zar ke tempat buangan. Walaubagaimanpun Ali r.a mengirng Abu Zar sampai ketempat buangannya. Lantas Usman memanggil Ali bertanya kenapa dia tidak taat kepada perintahnya. Maka di jawab oleh Ali " Aku akan taat kepada perintahmu selagi kamu mengikut Al-Quran dan Sunnah". Kata-kata Ali r.a tidak di bantah Usman dan Ali tidak pula di kenakan tindakan.Peristiwa ini di jadikan oleh Imam Syafei di hujahnya bahawa ketaatan kepada pemimpin itu adalah bersyarat.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Dr. Asri dan Dr. Redzuan Tee.
Dua orang ini ikon yang baru muncul di pesada media perdana. Orang duhulu kata penyapu baru, maklum sahajalah baru dapat PHD maka terasa diri sudah sampai kekemuncak pandai.Ada Orang mabuk TODI tapi yang 2 orang ini mabuk PHD maka kedua-dua orang ni macam Pak Pandir. Mereka sangka orang akan dengar cakap dia sebab sudah ada PHD berjela.
Dr. Redzuan Tee seorang Melayu celup (sebab celup perempuan Melayu) kini bersemangat bercakap tentang bangsa Melayu tapi dulu dia kata Melayu tidak mempunyai temaddun seperti bangsa Cina. Dia tak tahu orang Cina dulu zaman Empayar Melaka nak jadi bangsa Melayu hingga pakai kebaya, cakap melayu dan mengamalkan sebahagian Adat Melayu. Maka mereka di panggil Baba Melaka, yang India panggil di Chetti. Tapi sekarang hendak tunjuk hero jadi pejuang Melayu maka jadi lah dia Pak Pandir. Serupa jugalah jikalau Datuk DJ Dave hendak cakap perjuangkan bangsa Melayu kerana dia ahli Umno sedangkan tubuh badan dan jiwa dia sebenarnya adalah Punjabi.
Dr. Asri lebih kurang serupalah , baru dapat PHD dan baru tulis satu dua buku sudah nak membuat perubahan. Setaraf ke dia dengan Dr. Yusuf Qardawi? Setandingkah dia dengan Dato' Seri Anwar untuk membuat perubahan (reformasi) ?
Pernah memimpin organisasikah ? Kalau hendak jadi seperti Prof. Dr. Hamka pun kena jadi pemimpin organisasi, pemimpin persatuan ulama, boleh berpidato dengan baik seperti Prof. Dr. Hamka yang PHDnya di anugerahkan oleh Universiti Al-Azhar kerana mampu memberi pidato yang hebat dalam Bahasa Arab.Ini setakat melonggokkan hadis orang biasapun mampu.Sekarang ini hendak cari ayat Al-Quran atau Hadis di internet tak sampai satu minitpun.
Kalau kita berdebat dengan mereka adakala ternganga- nganga mereka ini.
Maka tidak payahlah layan budak dua orang ini.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Nasihat pada Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Masaalah demi masaalah menimpa Dato' SerI Anwar Ibrahim, kalau terkena orang biasa sudah lama sasau dan menyerah kalah di buatnya. Tapi penghormatan harus di berikan padanya kerana masih dapat bertahan. Dr. Mahathir dulu bila di asak oleh Semangat 46 termasuklah pahlawan anjing tersepit Ibrahim Ali, masuk hospital orang tua tu dibuatnya. Bila Pairin Kitingan istihar keluar dari Barisan maka terpacul keluar dari mulut Dr. Mahathir yang masih lemah dan kecewa ketika itu (nyaris tak mati) "Habislah kita". Siapa yang berjuang ketika itu ?? Ya!! Dialah Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Muhammad Taib, Isa Samad, Muhyiddin Yasin . Maka menanglah BN dengan hanya terlepas Kelantan dan Sabah kepada pembangkang.
Jadi Dato' Seri Anwar tak perlu risau sangat senario sekarang. Hanya berhati-hati pada bekas-bekas Umno dan mereka-mereka yang berjuang untuk periuk nasi.Carilah orang-orang setia terutama dari Abim seperti Dr. Nur Manuti, Dr. Sidek Fadil untuk menguruskan parti bagi membantu saudara Saifuddin Nasution seorang pahlawan yang kental.
Parti Keadilan dahulunya tinggal satu kerusi sahaja di Parlimen dan selalu di sindir akan berkubur. Tetapi kemudianya bangun dengan menang dengan 31 kerusi. InsyaAllah dengan kerja kuat kita akan ke Putrajaya pada PRU13.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Buku-buku yang bagus untuk di baca dan di miliki.
Dengan kejatuhan nilai US Dollar maka adalah satu peluang untuk anda membaca dan memiliki buku-buku ini yang menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan seperti buku Gospel of Barnabas atau Injil Barnabas yang mengandungi keterangan tentang Kedatangan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dan Muhammad In The Bible.
The Gospel of Barnabas.
Gospel of Barnabas.
Petikan dari Injil Barnabas;
"Maka menangislah para murid mendengar ucapan itu.
Dan Yesus juga menangis ketika melihat ramai yang datang mencarinya.
Maka sesungguhnya ketua pendita telah bermsyuarat diantara mereka untuk menjatuhkannya dengan kata-katanya.
Oleh itu mereka menghantar orang-orang Lewi dan sebahagian daripada Ahlil Kitab dengan menanyai “Siapa engkau ?”
Maka Yesus mengakui dan ia berkata “ Sebenarnya aku bukanlah Messia”
Mereka berkata “ Adakah engkau ini Elia atau Armia atau salah seorang Nabi-nabi purba ?”
Jawab Yesus “ Bukan”
Ketika itu mereka bertanya ; “Siapakah engkau ?”
Katakanlah suapaya dapat kami mempersaksi kepada semua orang-orang yang menghantar kami? “
Maka berkatalah Yesus ketika itu; “ Aku ialah suara lantang di kalangan Yahudi seluruhnya.”
Menjeritkan “ Sediakanlah jalan utusan Tuhan sebagaimana ia termaktub didalam Yesaya”
Mereka berkata ; “Jika engkau bukan Al-Masih dan bukan Elia atau seorang Nabi yang lain, mengapakah engkau menyebarkan ajaran baru dan engkau jadikan diri engkau lebih agung dari Messia ?
Jawab Yesus “ Sesungguhnya mukjizat, yang dilakukan Allah keatas tangan ku membuktikan bahawa aku bercakap dengan apa yang di kehendaki Allah.
Dan aku tidak menganggap diriku bandingan yang kamu katakan itu.
Kerana sesungguhnya aku bukanlah ahli untuk merombak tali-tali kasut, atau sepatu Rasulullah yang kamu namakan Mesia itu
Yang diciptakan sebelum aku dan akan datang selepas aku.
Dan ia akan membawa ucapan-ucapan yang sebenar, dan tidak ada bagi agamanya itu kesudahan.
Maka bersurailah orang-orang Lewi dan Ahlil Kitab dengan rasa kecewa."
Berrnabas 42 :1-18
Muhammad In The Bible.
Manakala buku Muhammad in The Bible adalah karangan Bekas Bishop berbangsa Yahudi yang mahir dalam pelbagai bahasa seperti Inggeris, Yunani, Itali, Hebrew / Aramaic dan Arab.Beliau telah memeluk Islam setelah berdailog dengan Ulama Islam dan kemudian mengarang buku ini hampir seratus 90 tahun yang lalu.
Adakah Taliban kumpulan pengganas ? Baca buku ini iaitu "In The Hand Of Taliban" anda akan terpersona dengan ahlak dan ibadat kumpulan ini yang menyebab penulis buku ini tertarik padaAgama Islam walaupun pada mulanya beliau ditahan dibawah Taliban. Tetapi penulis tidak pernah di dera tetapi sebaliknya di layan dengan lembut dan di muliakan kerana beliau seorang wanita. Hebat bukan kumpulan Taliban gagah di pertempuran , berdoa sambil menangis di malam hari dan berlaku baik pada wanita dan tahanan.
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